Project Overview
The “Accessible Oceans” AISL Pilots and Feasibility study aims to inclusively design auditory displays that support perception and understanding of ocean data in informal learning environments (ILEs). In this two-year project, we will leverage existing curated ocean datasets, known as “Data Nuggets”, from the NSF-funded Ocean Observatories Initiative to produce and evaluate the feasibility of using integrated auditory displays to communicate tiered learning objectives of oceanographic principles. Displays will be comprised of data sonification and contextual audio supports. Their development will be informed through a user centered design process that will include ocean science experts, visually impaired students and adults (and their teachers), and design-oriented undergraduate and graduate students.
This is a joint project with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, University of Oregon, Georgia Tech, and Your Ocean Consulting, LLC.
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Project Citation
Bower, A., J. Bellona, J. Roberts, and L.M. Smith. 2021. Accessible Oceans: Exploring Ocean Data through Sound. National Science Foundation Grant #2115751. https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2115751&HistoricalAwards=false
Website Citation
Bower, A., J. Bellona, J. Roberts, and L.M. Smith. 2021. Accessible Oceans: Exploring Ocean Data through Sound, Project Website. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and National Science Foundation Grant #2115751. https://accessibleoceans.whoi.edu/