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Accessible Oceans: Exploring Ocean Data Through Sound

Building knowledge about effective design and use of auditory display for inclusive inquiry in ocean science

Why Sound?

Data Literacy heavily relies on visual learning tools, often excluding those with vision impairments or who have trouble interpreting visual information. Using sound to explore data will facilitate participation by these communities, increasing interest in STEM and data literacy.

Authentic Ocean Data

Authentic datasets, like those generated by ocean observatories and research activities, provide a wealth of information about the natural world but are often difficult to engage with for those without disciplinary expertise. By scaffolding authentic data to support sensemaking in leaners from a wide range of backgrounds and abilities, we aim to broaden participation in STEM and showcase to all audiences sonification as a way to perceive scientific information.

Data Sonification

Data sonification is for our ears what data visualization is for our eyes. Through mapping data to one or more parameters of sound with the intent of communicating aspects of scientific phenomena, sonification is an acknowledged method for sharing information. “Accessible Oceans” aims to develop auditory displays focused on data sonification for advancing data literacy in the sciences. We listen in to learn about our world.

Decorative. Figures collaborating and holding post-it notes

Co-design Process

To overcome barriers to perceiving, understanding, and interacting with authentic data, we must take an inclusive design approach to developing educational materials. We are undertaking a co-design process with oceanographers, educators of blind and visually impaired learners, and science communicators to understand the needs and priorities of multiple stakeholder groups. We draw on knowledge from the learning sciences and human-computer interaction to create interactions with ocean data that are accessible to learners of varying abilities and backgrounds.

Our Objectives

  • Inclusively design and pilot auditory display techniques (data sonification) to convey meaningful aspects of ocean science data.
  • Empirically evaluate and validate the feasibility of integrated auditory displays to promote data literacy in ILEs.
  • Establish best practices and guidelines for others to integrate sonifications into their own ILEs.
  • Lay the foundation for a larger research study focused on educational technology design and an innovative and immersive ocean literacy exhibit

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Our Most Recent Posts

Participate in Our Survey: Evaluate Auditory Displays for “Accessible Oceans”

By Jon Bellona | June 7, 2024

We invite you to participate in a survey for the “Accessible Oceans” research project, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF 2115751). Our project focuses on designing effective auditory displays to enhance the perception and understanding of ocean data for visitors to museums, aquariums and science centers, including those who are blind or have low…

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Auditory Display: Carbon Net Flux Between Ocean and Atmosphere, v2

By Jon Bellona | July 22, 2023

Based on input from our team, research with blind and low-vision (BLV) students in schools, and insights learned over the past year, we have updated our auditory display for the Carbon Net Flux Between Ocean and Atmosphere data nugget. I re-recorded narration audio, and mixed underlying music, sound effects, and data sonification snippets as part…

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Auditory Display: Daily Vertical Migration Gets Eclipsed, v2

By Jon Bellona | July 22, 2023

Based on input from our team, research with blind and low-vision (BLV) students in schools, and insights learned over the past year, we have updated our auditory display for the Daily Vertical Migration Gets Eclipsed! Data Nugget. I re-recorded narration audio, and mixed underlying music, sound effects, and data sonification snippets as part of the…

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